Acupuncture Edmonton

Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine that relieves pain and discomfort through the use of fine needles. After needles are inserted, neurotransmitters are released that help regulate the nervous system.

The goal of acupuncture is to restore balance to the body by improving circulation (moving qi and removing blockages). Acupuncture can positively support the body’s natural healing processes so you can keep doing what you enjoy.


75 Minute
Initial Assessment or Followup

$ 150

60 Minute
Follow Up Session

$ 120
  • 15 Accounts
  • 100 GB Space
  • 1 Domain Name

30 Minute
Follow Up Session

Cupping and or Guasha
$ 70
  • 15 Accounts
  • 100 GB Space
  • 1 Domain Name

What does acupuncture do?

Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

What conditions can Acupuncture help with?

Email us to find out more if you aren’t sure if acupuncture can help with your condition.

Acupuncture FAQ

Most patients have an appointment once a week. Others get treatment more or less often, depending on how long the effects last. Your acupuncturist will recommend a schedule that is right for you. You may not get the full benefits of acupuncture on the first or second treatment.

The needles are very thin, so insertion usually causes little discomfort. You may feel a slight pinch when the needle is first being inserted, but it should not cause discomfort throughout treatment. A typical treatment uses 5 to 20 needles. You may feel a mild aching sensation, tingling, or heavy sensation when a needle reaches the correct depth.

Acupuncture needles that have already been inserted in the body may be attached to wires that produce small electrical currents. Electroacupuncture can stimulate the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters that reduce pain and inflammation.

Gua sha involves using a hand tool to rub and apply pressure to the the skin, fascia, and muscles. It may leave marks due to increased blood circulation. Gua sha may help break down scar tissue and adhesions in connective tissue, improving movement and circulation.

To ensure the body can heal appropriately, cover the area where you received treatment from sun, wind, or cold until the marks have disappeared. Drink water to support circulation. Increase activity slowly if activity had been previously limited. Try not to eat excessively salty or cold foods and drinks because they may increase swelling or pain.

If possible, wait one day to resume activities that might have caused the issue. Each person feels differently after treatment, so some people might need a nap, light exercise, a heat pad, connective times with family and friends, or something else. Pay attention to how your body feels in the following days after treatment and if there are things that make you feel better or worse after treatment.

It is best if you can give an accurate picture of your health and injuries on your health history form. This enables your acupuncturist to design the most appropriate and effective treatment for you.

There is no requirement to have a referral to see a registered acupuncturist. Extended health care plans, and insurers may require a referral before you will be covered. You need to check with your policy to see if you need one to be reimbursed for the treatments.